Sunday, August 21, 2011

NPOS Draft Policy for comments

MOSJE has put up the final draft of the recommendations of Mohini Giri's Review Commitee on National Policy on Older Persons. Now it is called NPOS. Public comments are welcome till 30th September 2011. YOu may leave comments here also if you wish.


Draft National Policy on Senior Citizens Aug2011


  1. This is great, our country needs to take steps for senior citizens. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I am Geriatric Care Professional congrats MOSJE to promote NPOS 2011 for the benefit of Senior citizen of India. I want to know the position of geriatric care givers in near future.

  3. Dear Gautam

    pl see:
    National and regional institutes of ageing will be set up to promote geriatrichealthcare. Adequate budgetary support will be provided to these institutesand a cadre of geriatric healthcare specialists created including professionallytrained caregivers to provide care to the elderly at affordable prices

    Therefore future of geriatric care givers will be bright.
